
sam's 2 month pics

such a sweet well behaved family! Very easy to work with! and baby sam...oh my gosh cutest baby ever and this is coming from a mommy with a baby almost the same age...enjoy!


2 months old

My lil man in 2 months old today
I used to have a personal blog but I just got too busy to keep up so I will randomly post on here
hope your don't mind 

He is def starting to become more aware of the world around him. 

He loves his play mat...and by loves what I really mean is he will tolerate it more then 5 minutes
He is much more of a hold me hold me baby then L ever was....he's not as independent as she was
he would rather be carried in your arms and always in your view then be left alone on the floor or in a bouncy seat...typical man I suppose
He sleeps good-normally 8-3 and 3-8:30ish
sometimes he will surprise me a stretch of like 8:00-5:00 or 6:00 
He poops so much its insane
he weighs over 11 pounds
he loves his paci
he smiles, coo's, giggles, does the excited breath in air and sigh happy dance thing squeal
only nurses but will take a bottle of BM if mommy needs to get her hair did
 he reminds me a lot of L in the face-she was way tinier though
do you see it? This is L at the exact same age as D
 I think they are pretty close! 

 do you like my muscles? or my chubby chin? 

I of course had to include some of the princess

 she'd be so offended if I left her out


Tanner 6 months

I love my house so much for photo's
Its so nice to have lots of different spaces to take pics
but not have to actually drive anywhere

This little guy is one of favorite clients
I actually said "do you think we can not get him to smile for a few..lol
His eyes are to die...enjoy