
Denver 3 months

 Oh hai
I am 3 months old now

 Things to remember

sleeps usually from 8-4-8
he usually takes 2-3 naps a day the first two are about 2+ hours and the last one is around an hour

He is very smiley but def more of a judger then L ever was
He is super laid back 
His hair is red colored, although it kinda depends on the light and who you ask
He weighs close to 15 pounds now I think. I  just love his little man body. 

He is so strong! L was too.  He can roll over tummy to back consistently and as you can see from the pics he holds his head up amazingly! These were actually hard to take because he kept rolling himself over in the shot

I have a hard time not wanting to squeeze him to death we just  love him so much!

 Caught in the rolling act
and yes little man, I know exactly how you feel

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